Sunnie Jolie

Anything jolie under the sun

IELTS Speaking part 2

Cambridge IELTS 3 Test 3 – Part 2: A memorable event

Describe a memorable event in your life.

You should say

  • When the event took place
  • Where the event took place
  • What happened exactly

and explain why this event was memorable for you

Ideas (Point-by-point):

When the event took place:
The event happened about three years ago, in the summer of 2021.

Where the event took place:
It took place in my hometown, during a family gathering at my grandparents’ house.

What happened exactly:
It was a surprise family reunion to celebrate my grandparents’ 50th wedding anniversary. Everyone had come together from different parts of the country, some of whom I hadn’t seen in years. There was a big dinner, speeches, and we even showed a video montage of old family photos and memories. My grandparents were completely surprised and emotional when they saw everyone together.

Why this event was memorable for you:
This event was memorable for me because it brought the entire family together in one place, something that doesn’t happen often. It was also a special moment to celebrate my grandparents’ long and loving marriage. Seeing how happy and emotional they were made the occasion unforgettable. It also reminded me of the importance of family and staying connected despite the distances between us.

Complete Response (Narrative):

Three years ago, during the summer of 2021, I experienced one of the most memorable events of my life. It all happened at my grandparents’ house in my hometown, where we gathered for what was supposed to be a regular family dinner—or so I thought. Little did my grandparents know, we had planned a surprise for their 50th wedding anniversary, and the entire family had secretly come together for the occasion.

I remember the moment they walked into the backyard and saw everyone—cousins, aunts, uncles, and even some relatives who lived far away. The look on their faces was priceless. They were completely shocked but overjoyed. As the evening went on, we had a big dinner, and everyone shared stories and memories. There was even a video montage with old family photos, capturing the journey of their 50 years together.

What made this event so special was seeing my grandparents’ reaction. They were emotional and couldn’t stop smiling. It wasn’t just about celebrating their milestone anniversary, but also about bringing the entire family together under one roof, which rarely happens. It was a powerful reminder of the importance of family, love, and connection, making it a day I will never forget.

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