Sunnie Jolie

Anything jolie under the sun

IELTS speaking part 3

Cambridge IELTS 3 Test 4 – Part 3: The consumer society

1. Modern society is often called “materialistic.” Why do you think this is?


  • Focus on Possessions: Many people in today’s society value material possessions, such as cars, gadgets, or clothes, as a way to show success or social status.
  • Media Influence: Advertisements and social media constantly promote the idea that happiness and success are linked to owning more things.
  • Consumer Culture: The economy encourages constant buying and spending, with businesses developing new products to attract customers, which leads to a more materialistic mindset.
  • Social Comparison: People often compare themselves to others and feel pressure to own the latest or most expensive products to fit in or feel successful.

Complete Response:

Modern society is often labeled as materialistic because there is a strong focus on owning things. Many people judge their success or the success of others based on the items they own, like luxury cars, branded clothes, or the latest smartphones. This is partly because of the media. Advertisements constantly show us that we need new things to be happy or respected, and social media reinforces this by showcasing a lifestyle centered around material wealth. Additionally, our economy is driven by consumerism, encouraging people to buy more and more. As a result, people feel the pressure to keep up with trends and compare themselves to others based on what they own.

2. Do you think consumerism is a positive or negative development?


  • Positive Aspects:
    • Economic Growth: Consumerism helps the economy by creating demand, which leads to more jobs and business opportunities.
    • Innovation: Companies are motivated to innovate and create better products because they know consumers are always looking for something new.
    • Convenience: Consumers have access to a wide variety of products, making life more convenient and comfortable.
  • Negative Aspects:
    • Environmental Damage: Consumerism often leads to overproduction and waste, harming the environment with pollution and excessive use of resources.
    • Financial Pressure: People may feel pressured to spend beyond their means, which can lead to debt and financial stress.
    • Shallow Values: It can promote materialism over more meaningful pursuits, making people prioritize things over experiences or relationships.

Complete Response:

Consumerism can be seen as both positive and negative, depending on how we look at it. On the positive side, consumerism drives economic growth by increasing demand, which creates jobs and business opportunities. It also pushes companies to innovate, as they want to create new and better products to meet the needs of consumers. This has made life more convenient, with a wide variety of products available to make daily tasks easier.

However, there are also significant downsides to consumerism. One major issue is its impact on the environment. The constant demand for new products leads to overproduction, which creates pollution and wastes natural resources. Additionally, people often feel pressure to buy things they don’t really need, which can lead to financial problems like debt. Lastly, consumerism can promote shallow values, where people prioritize material possessions over more meaningful aspects of life, such as relationships or personal growth.

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