Sunnie Jolie

Anything jolie under the sun

IELTS speaking part 3

Cambridge IELTS 3 Test 3 – Part 3: Attitudes to marriage in your country

1. Have attitudes to marriage changed in recent years?


  • Delay in Marriage: Many people now choose to marry later in life, focusing on education or career before settling down.
  • Alternative Lifestyles: There’s more acceptance of alternative relationships, such as cohabitation or remaining single by choice.
  • Same-Sex Marriage: In many countries, there has been growing acceptance of same-sex marriage, reflecting broader social changes.
  • Decline in Tradition: The traditional view of marriage as a lifelong commitment has shifted, with higher divorce rates and less societal pressure to marry.

Complete Response: Yes, attitudes toward marriage have definitely changed in recent years. More people are choosing to marry later in life, as they prioritize education and career goals first. There’s also a growing acceptance of alternative lifestyles, such as cohabitation or choosing not to marry at all. Same-sex marriage has become more accepted in many parts of the world, which shows that social norms are evolving. Additionally, the traditional idea of marriage as a lifelong commitment has shifted, with more couples opting for divorce if things don’t work out, and there’s generally less societal pressure to marry than in the past.

2. In what ways do men and women feel differently about marriage, in your opinion?


  • Commitment Expectations: Some believe women may place more emphasis on the emotional and relational aspects of marriage, while men might focus more on the practical or financial aspects.
  • Timing of Marriage: Women may feel more social or biological pressure to marry at a certain age, while men might feel less urgency in this regard.
  • Role in Marriage: Traditional gender roles in marriage have changed, but some men and women might still feel differently about expectations regarding household responsibilities or career priorities.
  • Security vs. Independence: Women may see marriage as providing emotional or financial security, while men might view it more as a partnership for achieving shared goals or maintaining independence within a union.

Complete Response: In my opinion, men and women may have different feelings about marriage for various reasons. Women might place more importance on the emotional and relational aspects of marriage, seeing it as a way to build a close and supportive partnership. Men, on the other hand, could focus more on the practical or financial aspects of marriage. When it comes to timing, women might feel more pressure to marry at a certain age due to societal or biological expectations, whereas men may feel less urgency. Although gender roles have evolved, there could still be differences in how men and women approach responsibilities in marriage, like balancing work and home life. Women may also see marriage as offering emotional or financial security, while men might view it more as a partnership where independence is maintained, but shared goals are still important.

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