Sunnie Jolie

Anything jolie under the sun

IELTS Speaking part 2

Cambridge IELTS 3 Test 2 – Part 2: A film or TV program

Describe a film or a TV program which has made a strong impression on you

You should say

  • What side of film or TV program it was, e.g. comedy
  • When you saw the film or TV program
  • What the film or TV program was about

and explain why this film or TV program made such an impression on you

Sample response 1: Interstellar

Ideas (Point-by-point):

What kind of film or TV program it was:
The film I want to talk about is a science fiction movie called Interstellar.

When you saw the film or TV program:
I saw Interstellar for the first time about two years ago, but I’ve watched it several times since then.

What the film or TV program was about:
Interstellar is set in a future where Earth is becoming uninhabitable due to climate changes. A team of astronauts is sent on a mission through a wormhole near Saturn to search for a new planet where humanity can survive. The movie focuses on one of the astronauts, Cooper, who has to leave his family behind to save the future of humankind. It deals with complex scientific themes like black holes, time travel, and the theory of relativity, while also exploring emotional themes of love and sacrifice.

Why this film or TV program made such an impression on you:
This movie made a strong impression on me for several reasons. First, the visual effects were stunning, especially the space scenes that felt incredibly realistic. But more than that, it was the emotional depth of the story that really stuck with me. The relationship between Cooper and his daughter, and the sacrifices he makes, were deeply moving. The film also made me think about big philosophical questions like our place in the universe and the limits of human exploration. Every time I watch it, I discover something new, and it leaves me reflecting on life for days afterward.

Complete Response (Narrative):

One of the most impactful films I’ve ever seen is Interstellar, a science fiction masterpiece. I first watched it about two years ago, but it left such a strong impression on me that I’ve gone back and watched it several more times since then. It’s one of those movies that stays with you long after the credits roll.

The story is set in the future, where Earth is on the brink of collapse due to environmental disasters. A group of astronauts, including the main character, Cooper, is sent on a daring mission through a wormhole to find a new planet where humanity can survive. What’s fascinating is that the film explores some pretty complex scientific concepts—things like black holes, time dilation, and the theory of relativity. But what really makes the movie stand out is its emotional core. At the heart of the story is the bond between Cooper and his young daughter, Murph, and the emotional conflict he faces in leaving her behind to save the future.What impressed me the most about Interstellar was the combination of mind-blowing visuals and deep, thought-provoking themes. The space scenes were absolutely breathtaking, making you feel like you were really traveling through the universe. But it wasn’t just the science that got to me. The emotional journey of the characters, especially Cooper’s relationship with his daughter, was incredibly moving. It made me think about the sacrifices we make for the ones we love and our small, fragile place in the vastness of the cosmos. Every time I rewatch it, I feel like I’m seeing it with fresh eyes, and it always leaves me with more to think about.

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