Sunnie Jolie

Anything jolie under the sun

IELTS speaking part 3

Cambridge IELTS 3 Test 2 – Part 3: Making a film or TV drama of real/fictional event

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of making films of real-life events?


  • Advantages:
    • Inspiration and Awareness: Films based on real-life events can inspire audiences and raise awareness about important historical or social issues.
    • Emotional Impact: Knowing that a story is based on actual events can make it more emotionally powerful and relatable for viewers.
    • Educational Value: Such films often provide insight into important moments in history, helping people learn in an engaging way.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Creative Limitations: Filmmakers may feel restricted by the facts, which could limit their artistic expression or creativity.
    • Inaccuracy Risks: Real-life events can be altered or exaggerated for dramatic effect, which can lead to historical inaccuracies and misrepresentations.
    • Sensitivity Issues: Films about real-life tragedies or controversial topics can upset people or be seen as disrespectful to those involved.

Complete Response: There are both advantages and disadvantages to making films based on real-life events. On the positive side, such films can inspire audiences and raise awareness about significant historical or social issues. They often have a strong emotional impact because viewers know the story is based on actual events, making it more relatable. Additionally, these films can have educational value by helping people understand key moments in history in an engaging and accessible way. However, there are also downsides. Filmmakers may feel creatively limited by having to stick to the facts, which can restrict artistic freedom. There’s also the risk of inaccuracies, as some events might be exaggerated for dramatic effect, leading to a distorted version of history. Finally, real-life stories, especially tragedies, can be sensitive, and some viewers may feel that certain topics are not handled respectfully.

2. How important do you think it is for a film-maker to remain true to the original story?


  • Importance of Accuracy: Staying true to the original story is important when the goal is to educate or preserve the integrity of historical events.
  • Respect for Real People: If the film involves real individuals or their families, it is respectful to portray their lives accurately.
  • Creative Freedom: On the other hand, filmmakers might need some artistic license to make the story more engaging or suitable for a film format.

Complete Response: I think it’s important for a filmmaker to remain true to the original story, especially when dealing with real-life events or historical figures. Accuracy helps preserve the integrity of the event and ensures that viewers are educated about the facts. If the film involves real individuals, staying true to their stories shows respect to them and their families. However, there is also a place for creative freedom. Filmmakers sometimes need to take artistic liberties to make the story more engaging for audiences or to fit the narrative into a film format. In these cases, a balance between staying true to the facts and creative storytelling is essential.

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