Sunnie Jolie

Anything jolie under the sun

IELTS speaking part 3

Cambridge IELTS 3 Test 3 – Part 3: Events of national/global significance

1. What sort of national events make headlines in your country?


  • Political Events: Elections, government changes, or political scandals often dominate headlines.
  • Sports Events: Major sports tournaments, particularly football, cricket, or national team victories, receive a lot of attention.
  • Natural Disasters: Events like earthquakes, floods, or storms that impact large parts of the country often become headline news.
  • Cultural Festivals or Holidays: National holidays or large-scale celebrations, like Independence Day, religious festivals, or cultural events, frequently make headlines.

Complete Response:

In my country, several types of national events typically make the headlines. Political events, such as elections or changes in government leadership, tend to be at the top of the news. Additionally, major sporting events, especially when the national football or cricket team is playing, can capture a lot of attention. Natural disasters, like floods or earthquakes, also dominate the news when they occur, as they affect many people’s lives. Finally, cultural or religious festivals and important national holidays, such as Independence Day, are widely covered, with the media focusing on celebrations across the country.

2. Does the media in your country pay more attention to global or national events?


  • National Events Priority: Generally, national events are given more coverage because they are more directly relevant to people’s daily lives.
  • Global Events Coverage: While global events are reported, they may not receive as much attention unless they have a strong impact on the country or involve major international crises.
  • Mix of Both: The media tries to balance coverage of both, especially with issues like climate change, global politics, or pandemics, which affect everyone.

Complete Response:

In my country, the media tends to focus more on national events, as they are directly relevant to people’s daily lives. For example, political developments, economic changes, or local incidents usually receive the most attention. However, global events are also reported, especially when they have a significant impact on the country, such as international trade deals, global political changes, or major crises like pandemics or wars. Overall, I’d say there is a balance, but national events still receive more detailed and continuous coverage compared to global ones.

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