Sunnie Jolie

Anything jolie under the sun

IELTS Speaking part 1

Cambridge IELTS 3 Test 4 – Part 1: Daily routine

1. What would you like to change in your daily routine?
I would like to wake up earlier, perhaps around 5:30 a.m. I find that I’m more productive and creative in the early morning.

2. Are all your days the same?
I don’t have a 9-to-5 job, so my days aren’t all the same. I arrange my daily activities around my work schedule, which changes every week.

3. Tell me about your typical weekday and your typical weekend.
Sure. On a typical weekday, I usually wake up around 7 a.m. Depending on my work schedule that day, I decide when to prepare for work and when to make lunch and dinner.
During a typical weekend, I sleep in a little longer. I might spend the whole morning doing household chores, then go out in the afternoon.

4. What is the balance of work/study and free time in your normal day?
I think I have a good work-life balance. I work 8 hours a day and make it a point not to bring work home. In the evenings, I spend quality time on activities that help me recharge, like listening to piano music or watching a comedy show.

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