Sunnie Jolie

Anything jolie under the sun

IELTS Speaking part 2

Cambridge IELTS 3 Test 4 – Part 2: Something you own which is important

Describe something you own which is very important to you

You should say

  • where you got it from
  • how long you have had it
  • what do you use it for

and explain why it is so important to you

Sample response 1: a wristwatch

  • Where you got it from: I got this wristwatch from my grandfather. It was actually a gift from him on my 18th birthday. He had owned it for many years before passing it down to me, so it holds a lot of sentimental value.
  • How long you have had it: I’ve had this watch for about five years now, but it’s been in my family for much longer. My grandfather received it as a wedding gift, so it has a history of over 50 years.
  • What do you use it for: I use this watch daily to keep track of time, of course, but it’s more than just a timepiece for me. It serves as a constant reminder of my grandfather’s values and the lessons he taught me. It’s also become something of a lucky charm; I wear it whenever I have something important, like an exam or a big meeting.
  • Why it is so important to you: This watch is incredibly important to me because it symbolizes my connection to my grandfather. Every time I look at it, I’m reminded of the bond we shared and the advice he gave me. It’s also a beautifully crafted piece, so it’s something I’m proud to wear. More than its material value, it’s the emotional significance that makes it irreplaceable to me.

A complete response:

There’s one thing I own that’s incredibly special to me—my wristwatch. It’s not just any watch, though; it was a gift from my grandfather, given to me on my 18th birthday. The story behind this watch makes it priceless to me. My grandfather had it for many years, ever since he received it as a wedding gift. So, when he passed it down to me, it felt like I was receiving a piece of family history.

I’ve had the watch for about five years now, and in that time, it’s become much more than a tool for telling time. It’s something I wear every day, not just because I need to know the time, but because it reminds me of him and the values he lived by. It’s like carrying a part of him with me wherever I go. Whenever I have an important event—like an exam or a big meeting—I make sure to wear it, almost like it’s a lucky charm.

This watch isn’t just about its appearance or its function. It’s about the memories and the connection it represents. Every time I glance at it, I’m reminded of my grandfather and the wisdom he shared with me. It’s a beautiful piece, but what makes it truly irreplaceable is the emotional value it holds.

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