Sunnie Jolie

Anything jolie under the sun

IELTS speaking part 3

Cambridge IELTS 3 Test 4 – Part 3: How values can change

1. What kind of possessions show status in your country?


  • Luxury Cars: In many places, owning an expensive car, like a sports car or luxury brand, is a symbol of wealth and success.
  • Property: Owning a large home or multiple properties is often seen as a sign of financial stability and status.
  • Designer Clothes and Accessories: Wearing high-end fashion brands or expensive accessories like watches or jewelry indicates a high social status.
  • Technology: Having the latest gadgets, such as the newest smartphones or high-end electronics, can also reflect one’s status in society.

Complete Response:

In my country, certain possessions are commonly associated with status and wealth. For example, owning a luxury car, especially brands like BMW or Mercedes, is seen as a clear symbol of success. Another important indicator of status is property ownership—those who own large houses or multiple properties are often considered wealthy. Additionally, wearing designer clothes and accessories, such as branded watches or jewelry, shows that a person has financial means. Technology also plays a role, with people who always have the latest smartphones or other high-end gadgets being perceived as well-off.

2. Do you think it was different for your grandparents?


  • Different Priorities: In the past, possessions were more about basic needs rather than luxury. Owning land or a house was important for stability, but less about showing off.
  • Fewer Material Goods: There were fewer luxury items available back then, and people often focused on saving rather than spending on things like cars or fashion.
  • Status Through Family or Community: For older generations, status was often tied to family reputation or their role in the community, rather than what they owned.

Complete Response:

Yes, I think the idea of status was quite different for my grandparents’ generation. Back then, people placed more importance on basic needs, like owning land or a house to ensure their family’s security. It wasn’t as much about showing off wealth, but more about having a stable life. There were also fewer luxury goods available, and people were more likely to save money rather than spend it on expensive cars or branded clothing. In many cases, status was linked more to family reputation, education, or a person’s role in the community than to material possessions. So, while some possessions were still important, they were seen differently than they are today.

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