Sunnie Jolie

Anything jolie under the sun

IELTS speaking part 3

Cambridge IELTS 3 Test 4 – Part 3: The consumer market

1. What is the role of advertising?


  • Consumer Awareness: Advertising helps people know about new products or services. It shows what the product is, how it works, and why someone might need it.
  • Economic Impact: Advertising helps businesses by encouraging people to buy their products, which supports the economy and creates jobs.
  • Brand Recognition: It also helps companies build a name for themselves. When people see an advertisement many times, they start to recognize the brand.
  • Cultural Influence: Advertising can influence what people think is popular or important. It can introduce new ideas or trends that people might follow.

Complete Response:

Advertising plays an important role in our lives. It helps us learn about new products or services, showing us what they do and why we might want them. By encouraging people to buy, advertising also supports businesses and the economy. Over time, when we see the same advertisement often, we start to recognize the brand, which helps the company become more well-known. Additionally, advertising can influence what we think is trendy or important, sometimes even changing our opinions or the way we live.

2. How do you think the Internet will affect buying patterns in the future?


  • More Online Shopping: the Internet will make online shopping even more popular. It’s already very convenient, and new technologies will make it even easier.
  • Wider Variety: People will have more options to choose from because they can buy things from all over the world.
  • Mobile Shopping: More people will shop using their phones because it’s quick and easy.
  • Social Media Influence: Social media will continue to influence what people buy, as they often trust recommendations from friends or influencers.
  • Sustainable Choices: The Internet will help people make more environmentally friendly choices by giving them more information about the products they buy.

Complete Response:

In the future, I think the Internet will change how we shop even more than it already has. Online shopping will become even more common because it’s so convenient, and with new technologies, it will get easier. People will also have access to a wider variety of products from different countries, giving them more choices. Shopping on our phones will become the main way we buy things because it’s fast and simple. Social media will keep influencing our buying decisions, especially when we see recommendations from people we follow. Finally, the Internet will help us make better choices for the environment by providing more information about the products we want to buy.

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